Spring Cleaning Essentials You Need in Your ONYX Glendale Apartment


Keeping your home in great shape means different things to different people. But making sure that you have the basics covered … that’s definitely important, right? You need to focus on healthy habits and organizing hacks that will make your apartment work for you. And here’s where you can start.

Organizing Hacks, Dust Removers, & More

Start with organization. One great thing you can do is actually declutter. Yes, getting rid of your stuff is hard, but you can make it happen. When you cut down on the amount of stuff you have it immediately becomes easier to organize the rest.

Then, look at things like cube organizers or even bookshelves. You can put absolutely anything on them, and they let you keep things off the floor or from being strewn over tables. That way, you can find the things you need when you need them.

Cleaning is another important step, and getting the right products can make a big difference in that. So look for dust removers that really work. It might be a dust cloth you really like (Swiffer makes some good ones) or a specific product (like Pledge or Seventh Generation).

Cleaning Tips & Healthy Habits

Are you looking for some help with the actual cleaning process? One thing to keep in mind is that you’ll do things more if they’re easy. If it’s hard for you to clean your home, you will keep putting it off. So look for ways to keep it simple.

One way is to do your dishes after each meal. That way, you never have a large number of dishes. Living alone means you’ll have only a few pieces to wash after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you have a family, you’ll have a few more, but it’s still easier when you have fewer all at once, right?

To keep your home healthy, make sure you’re getting the windows open as much as possible. This helps blow in some fresh air and ensures everyone in your home is healthier too.

Your Top Cleaning Hacks

Ready to improve the quality of your home? Well, you can absolutely do it with these tips and more. You deserve to feel good about your space. Whether it’s helping yourself feel healthier or it’s keeping your home clutter-free, you can make it happen.